我的前房客是外籍人士 因為有欠:大樓管理費1~6月共9360元、水費150元、電費866元、瓦斯費326元、亂丟垃圾被開罰單3600元 搬家時屋內垃圾都沒丟,房子弄的髒亂不堪,到處都是蟑螂,所以我有請清潔公司打掃消毒,費用6000元 沙門也被她所養的狗弄壞,修理費用650元 馬桶蓮蓬頭都在漏水,修理費用400元 總共要跟她收22352元 老外要我傳明細給她 請懂英文的幫我翻譯,感恩!
Building management fee from January to June: NT$9360 Water: NT$150 Electricity: NT$866 Gas: NT$326 Penalty/fine for littering: NT$3600 Cleaning fees after moving out: NT$6000 (from trash and mess left at the house and cockroach infestation) Screen door repair: NT$650 (damaged by dog) Leaky toilet and shower faucet repair: NT$400 Total: NT$22352
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大樓管理費1~6月共9360元、水費150元、電費866元、瓦斯費326元、亂丟垃圾被開罰單3600元 搬家時屋內垃圾都沒丟,房子弄的髒亂不堪,到處都是蟑螂,所以我有請清潔公司打掃消毒,費用6000元 沙門也被她所養的狗弄壞,修理費用650元 馬桶蓮蓬頭都在漏水,修理費用400元總共22352元.. Building management fees 1 to June a total of 9,360 yuan, 150 yuan of water, electricity charges 866 yuan, 326 yuan for gas, littering was ticketed 3,600 yuan Mission is not lost when the house refuse, a house, Lane's Zangluan state, cockroaches are everywhere, so I have to clean sweep the disinfection of the company, costs 6,000 yuan Salmonella was also her custody of the dog break, repair costs 650 yuan Shower toilets are leaking, repair costs 400 yuan A total of 22,352 yuanF6C3603064EF4E9D