G.E.M yes card
How old is G.E.M???And where can I buy G.E.M yes card??? When is her birthday???and can you send me some photos of G.E.M! !!!!Please! 更新: 新都城一期 where buy her yes card???
1. G.E.M 17 years old 2. You can in 新都城一期Buy her yes card 3. G.E.M birthday is 8月16日 4. Go to Yahoo search her name (G.E.M)
17 i have a lots of G.E.M yes card $20=1 G.E.M yes card|||||1. G.E.M. is 17 years old 2. You can buy her yes card in筲箕灣中心既 3. G.E.M birthday is 8月16日 4. Go to Yahoo search her name (G.E.M) 2009-06-19 23:07:03 補充: 2. You can buy her yes card in筲箕灣中心既 2009-06-19 23:09:28 補充: 2. You can buy her yes card in筲箕灣中心既 禮品天地或 http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!VuMqwJOYFQVhCsCf.R8lug54NQ--|||||This year,GEM is 18 years old~