What's wrong here
What's wrong here AAA BBB CCC DDD EEE FFF GGG HHH III JJJ KKK LLL MMM NNN OOO PPP QQQ RRR SSS TTT UUU VVV WWW XXX YYY ZZZ Did you know that 80% of UCSD students could not find the error above? Repost this with the title "what's wrong... 顯示更多 What's wrong here AAA BBB CCC DDD EEE FFF GGG HHH III JJJ KKK LLL MMM NNN OOO PPP QQQ RRR SSS TTT UUU VVV WWW XXX YYY ZZZ Did you know that 80% of UCSD students could not find the error above? Repost this with the title "what's wrong here", and when you click "post ", the answer will be really obvious. 最近呢段野係咁係facebook度post黎post去.. 到底有咩問題? 定係人地既惡作劇?
你copy and paste個三個V, 你會發覺佢o地真係V 大家估o左好多o野, 有o的仲話個大楷I其實係細楷l或者數字1 其實根本就冇o野錯, 無鬼聊, 所以有80% UCSD學生都搵唔到有咩錯 有另外20%人就亂咁諗係都要話佢錯 2008-06-10 11:27:48 補充: hosinmanjess話: "Did you know that 80% of UCSD students could not find the error above? 佢叫你搵'error'呢個字出黎...即係抽一個E, 一個O, 同三個R出黎唔係叫你搵有咩錯誤!" 咁點解唔搵埋above 出o黎呀? 抽完e, o, rrr 仲有大把a, b, o, v, e喎, hohoho 咁難抽都俾你抽到, 至叻都係你喇!
VVV = W+V or V+W in other font this will not happen : VVV = 3 V