謝謝您的訊息。我司尚未收到從澳洲快遞過來的合同正本,所以無法完成電匯(TT)。只要我們收到合同正本,電匯完畢之後,會立刻的通知您。另外,ABCO的確是我司所委託的貨代(forwarder)。ABCO的聯絡人以及資料如下:Patrick DuvalDirecteur des ventes / Sales ManagerABCO INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT INC.div. du Groupe Cole Inc/ div. of the Cole Group inc.(Cole International inc, Cancon Logistics, Cole Freight inc,... 顯示更多 謝謝您的訊息。我司尚未收到從澳洲快遞過來的合同正本,所以無法完成電匯(TT)。只要我們收到合同正本,電匯完畢之後,會立刻的通知您。 另外,ABCO的確是我司所委託的貨代(forwarder)。ABCO的聯絡人以及資料如下: Patrick Duval Directeur des ventes / Sales Manager ABCO INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT INC. div. du Groupe Cole Inc/ div. of the Cole Group inc. (Cole International inc, Cancon Logistics, Cole Freight inc, Kebec C.B.) 670 Orly Avenue, suite #2, Dorval, Quebec, Canada H9P 1E9 Ligne directe/Direct Line: 514-469-1723 Tél./Ph: 514-636-2226 Fax: 514-636-1121 Cell: 514-567-4330 若有任何問題,煩請與我聯絡,謝謝!
Thank you for your message. Due to we have not received the original contract from Australia by express delivery, we cannot finish the telegraphic transfer. Once we receive the original contract, we will remit the payment, and inform you immediately. In addition, the ABCO is the forwarder authorized by us. The contact information of ABCO is as followed, Patrick Duval Directeur des ventes / Sales Manager ABCO INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT INC. div. du Groupe Cole Inc/ div. of the Cole Group inc. (Cole International inc, Cancon Logistics, Cole Freight inc, Kebec C.B.) 670 Orly Avenue, suite #2, Dorval, Quebec, Canada H9P 1E9 Ligne directe/Direct Line: 514-469-1723 Tél./Ph: 514-636-2226 Fax: 514-636-1121 Cell: 514-567-4330 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you so much.
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我是新加坡人的關係,英文沒什麽問題. 建議你用回答三. 很正確哦.|||||哈囉 你好;) 我並沒有逐字翻譯 因為會太僵硬 翻出來的句子會很不流暢 但是我把你想要表達的意思 都有翻出來了 並且我有請我美國室友看了一遍(我住在西雅圖) 應該是沒有問題 如果有任何疑問 儘管問我 謝謝 Thank you for your message. (謝謝您的訊息。) We haven't received the original copy of the agreement from Australia and as a result we could not complete the telegraphic transfer. Once we receive the original copy, the telegraphic transfer will be made and we will notify you as soon as possible. In addition, ABCO is our authorized forwarder. (我司尚未收到從澳洲快遞過來的合同正本,所以無法完成電匯(TT)。只要我們收到合同正本,電匯完畢之後,會立刻的通知您。另外,ABCO的確是我司所委託的貨代(forwarder)。) Here is the contact information for ABCO: (ABCO的聯絡人以及資料如下:) Patrick Duval Directeur des ventes / Sales Manager ABCO INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT INC. div. du Groupe Cole Inc/ div. of the Cole Group inc. (Cole International inc, Cancon Logistics, Cole Freight inc, Kebec C.B.) 670 Orly Avenue, suite #2, Dorval, Quebec, Canada H9P 1E9 Ligne directe/Direct Line: 514-469-1723 Tél./Ph: 514-636-2226 Fax: 514-636-1121 Cell: 514-567-4330 If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thanks! (若有任何問題,煩請與我聯絡,謝謝! ) 2009-05-06 12:14:25 補充: 建議你把你選的回答 Due to we have not received the original contract 這個部份 改成 Due to not receiving ... 才沒有錯誤 他寫的那句 文法並不通順|||||Thanks your news. 謝謝您的訊息。 I take charge of not yet receive the contract principal edition which express comes from Australia, therefore is unable to complete remittances bye telegram (TT). 我司尚未收到從澳洲快遞過來的合同正本,所以無法完成電匯(TT)。 So long as we receive the contract principal edition, after the telegraphic transfer finished, will immediately inform you. 只要我們收到合同正本,電匯完畢之後,會立刻的通知您。 Moreover, ABCO indeed is goods generation of (forwarder) which I take charge of entrust. The ABCO contact person as well as the material are as follows 另外,ABCO的確是我司所委託的貨代(forwarder)。ABCO的聯絡人以及資料如下 If has any question, requests to contact with me, thanks! 若有任何問題,煩請與我聯絡,謝謝! PS.【翻譯的比較直接可能文法上會有點....妳再看看吧】CD51EBF2FDB84E83