


文章:My high school was one of the best in the country. The average score for my class on the Scholastic AptitudeTest was 615 out of 800 on the verbal part and 675 on the math part. This compares to only 419 and 473 nationally.Last year, 51% of my class was National Merit Scholars. This is unheard of at any other... 顯示更多 文章:My high school was one of the best in the country. The average score for my class on the Scholastic Aptitude Test was 615 out of 800 on the verbal part and 675 on the math part. This compares to only 419 and 473 nationally. Last year, 51% of my class was National Merit Scholars. This is unheard of at any other school. 題目:How many points higher than the national average did the author’s high school class score on the verbal part of the Scholastic Aptitude Test? a. 51 b. 185 c. 196 d. 298 答案為什麼是196...我一直搞不懂 請幫幫忙 謝謝 更新: 所以他是用平均最低分615去減掉419,那如果答案有327的話,也能選嗎?





全文翻譯 我的高中是全國(或是縣市)最好的國中,我班上的學術能力平均分數,在言語部分是 615~800,在數學方面是675,而全國的平均只有419(言語)和473(數學)而已。 去年,我班上50%的人是全國優秀學者,這是在其他學校前所未聞的。 題目:作者學校的學術能力平均分數在言語部份高於全國學校平均多少? 615-419=196 800-419=327 所以選(C) 2010-03-04 22:59:29 補充: 抱歉打成50% 更改為51%.


最佳解答翻錯了喔! The average score for my class on the "Scholastic Aptitude Test" was 615 out of 800 on the verbal part and 675 on the math part.是指"我班上平均SAT(學術評量測驗)分數口說部份為615(滿分為800)而數學部份則為675" 2011-03-06 09:12:20 補充: 所以跟800完全沒關係...|||||((( The average score for my class on the Scholastic Aptitude Test was 615 out of 800 on the verbal part )))and 675 on the math part. This compares to only 419 and 473 nationally 題目:How many points higher than the national average did the authors high school class score on the verbal part of the Scholastic Aptitude Test? authors high school class score on the verbal part = 615 - national average 415 615-419=1968081B933AEEFE995

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