急件 請幫我翻譯成英文!!最快的就選他最佳 但是要順喔
2005年夏天,Tokio Hotel發行首支單曲《Durch den Monsun》,不僅蟬聯德國單曲榜7週冠軍、在奧地利同樣登上榜首。陸續推出的兩張專輯【Schrei】、【Zimmer 483】在德國雙雙拿下排行冠軍,一共締造了《Rette Mich》、《Der Letzte Tag》、《Ubers Ende Der Welt》等四首冠軍曲,【Schrei】還創下停留在榜上長達66週的空前紀錄! 除了坐擁稱霸德國榜冠軍最年輕樂團的頭銜、成功征服奧地利、瑞士、波蘭、捷克、匈牙利等德語系國家,Tokio Hotel在法國同樣勢如破竹,【Zimmer... 顯示更多 2005年夏天,Tokio Hotel發行首支單曲《Durch den Monsun》,不僅蟬聯德國單曲榜7週冠軍、在奧地利同樣登上榜首。陸續推出的兩張專輯【Schrei】、【Zimmer 483】在德國雙雙拿下排行冠軍,一共締造了《Rette Mich》、《Der Letzte Tag》、《Ubers Ende Der Welt》等四首冠軍曲,【Schrei】還創下停留在榜上長達66週的空前紀錄! 除了坐擁稱霸德國榜冠軍最年輕樂團的頭銜、成功征服奧地利、瑞士、波蘭、捷克、匈牙利等德語系國家,Tokio Hotel在法國同樣勢如破竹,【Zimmer 483】專輯勇奪亞軍、發片首週大破金唱片、成為歷年來打入法國排行名次最佳的德國團體!而德國Echo音樂獎「最佳新人」、德國Comet Awards「最耀眼彗星」、匈牙利Bravo Otto Hungary獎「最佳國際樂團」、「最佳國際新人」、世界音樂獎「德國最佳銷售藝人」…等一連串大獎肯定,證明了Tokio Hotel非凡的超人氣與堅強的音樂實力。 2007年進軍英文市場的【Scream】精選特典,全面攻陷美國本土,站上告示牌第39名,四位小男孩銳不可擋的超人氣排山倒海而來,同時代表鬥志十足Tokio Hotel的年代來臨;2009年Tokio Hotel發表全新第二張英文專輯【Humanoid】,仍由一手捧紅Tokio Hotel的幕後終極主腦David Jost操盤,Tokio Hotel用搖滾赤子的沸騰熱血宣示新世代年輕主張,一再牽引外放不羈且無邊界限制的音樂能量,一組極具威脅性的異人團體就此誕生! 拜託高手幫我翻譯一下囉~~~禮拜一我要介紹tokio hotel 然後要用英文介紹!! 請各位幫幫忙~~~我英文不太好= =" 以上內容轉自 http://music.hinet.net/music/artist.do?method=find&id=10331
The summer of 2005, Tokio Hotel released the first single "Durch den Monsun", not only reelected German singles chart 7 the week, also boarded the top spot in Austria. Launched two albums】 【Schrei, Zimmer 483】 【won both ranked in the German championship, to create a total of"Rette Mich", "Der Letzte Tag", "Ubers Ende Der Welt" and other four title song, Schrei】 【also set to stay in the standings for 66 weeks, an unprecedented record! In addition to sitting on dominating the list Germany, the youngest champion title of the orchestra has successfully conquered Austria, Switzerland, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and other German-speaking countries, Tokio Hotel in France, the same irresistible force,】 【Zimmer 483 album won the runner-up, hair piece broke the first weeks gold record and become the best ever to enter the French Top ranking German group! The German Echo Music Awards "Best New Artist", the German Comet Awards "the most brilliant comet", the Hungarian Bravo Otto Hungary Awards "Best International Band", "Best International Newcomer", World Music Award for "Best Selling German Artist" ... The series of awards certainly proved popular Super Tokio Hotel remarkable strength and powerful music. Into the English market in 2007】 【Scream selected special code, full fall U.S., station No. 39 on Billboard, which grew four little boys of popular intensively, while fighting on behalf of the coming era of full Tokio Hotel; 2009, Tokio Hotel released a new Humanoid】 【second English album, still single-handedly boosted the careers of Tokio Hotel's behind the scenes manipulator of the ultimate mastermind David Jost, Tokio Hotel's boiling with pure rock passion and declared the new generation of young advocates, has repeatedly traction extroverted uninhibited and no borders music energy, a group of very strange people threatening the birth of this group!
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In the summer of 2005, Tokio Hotel launched the first single《Durch den Monsun》which not only staged for 7 weeks as champion on Germany single billboard, it also championed in Austria. The next two albums, 【Schrei】and 【Zimmer 483】, both won championship on Germany board and created a total of 4 top singles including 《Rette Mich》、《Der Letzte Tag》、《Ubers Ende Der Welt》and 【Schrei】. Never known before, 【Schrei】amazingly remained on the top for 66 weeks! Apart from leading on the Germany billboard as the yongest group , they have successfully conquered German-speaking countries such Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Czech, and Hungary. Tokio Hotel also hit smoothly in France. The album 【Zimmer 483】took the second and lead in golden album in the first week of issue, which staged them as the best Germany group ever on French billboard!The consecutive honors including "the best new singers" of Germany Echo", "the most shinning star" of Germany Comet Awards, "the best international music band" of Hungary Bravo Otto, "the best international new singers", "the best saler musician in Germany"......... confirmed the unique popularity and strength as musicians. The group entered the English market by 【Scream】in 2007 and hit on the 39th on US board. The 4 young boys achieved an overwhelming debut and marked the coming era of Tokio Hotel.In 2009, Tokio Hotel launched their second English album 【Humanoid】, masterminded again by their ultimate brain behind the curtain, David Jost. Tokio Hotel pronounced their original Rock-N-Roll soul as the younger generation and emitted again and again their egergy without limitation. A team of menacing power to other groups had been created since then.8081B933AEEFE995